[vsnet-outburst 12558] ER UMa : rapidly declining

Ohshima ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Apr 2 04:41:56 JST 2011

ER UMa : rapidly declining

 We have received further observations from Okayama Univ. of Sci., 
Pavol A. Dubovsky, Enrique de Miguel, William Stein, and Tom Krajci.
And we also took observations of this object.
 According to these data, ER UMa reached the maximum at March 31.5 and
this object is declining rapidly from the maximum.
 After this normal outburst started, the period of negative superhumps
seeems to have changed. Using PDM analysis, 0.06227 (2) d is obtained
as the period after this normal outburst started while 0.062404 (5) d
is obtained as the period between the end of the last superoutburst and
the beginning of this normal outburst.
 The period of negative superhumps seems not to have changed at the last
normal outburst. Insteadly the dispersion of the length between each maxima
got small and the period of variations got stable.
 Further observations are required!

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