[vsnet-outburst 12777] OT J113219.0-213943 = Catalina transient

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue May 10 13:35:31 JST 2011

OT J113219.0-213943 = Catalina transient

   CRTS SSS has detected an outburst of this likely CV
(=SSS110509:113219-213943).  There were three past outbursts in the
CSS light curve.  One of them in 2006 June reached mag 15.5.
The amplitude is about 5 mag.

SSS110509:113219-213943 http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/SSS/20110509/1105090210814107283.html 11 32 19.00 -21 39 43.4 16.17 No SDSS object CV

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