[vsnet-outburst 12865] Recent activity

Rod Stubbings stubbo at sympac.com.au
Thu Jun 2 21:33:28 JST 2011

Selected activity and outbursts the past two nights.

APSDT          110531.389  <153  Stu.RASNZ
AQLV1047       110601.771   153  Stu.RASNZ active
ARAAT          110531.408   143  Stu.RASNZ active
ARAAT          110601.416   142  Stu.RASNZ active
CAROQ          110601.533  <150  Stu.RASNZ
CAROY          110601.534   154  Stu.RASNZ
CARV436        110601.394  <153  Stu.RASNZ
CENBV          110601.541   130  Stu.RASNZ
CENV591        110601.542   154  Stu.RASNZ active
CENV803        110601.540   144  Stu.RASNZ active
CENV1040       110601.538   144  Stu.RASNZ
CETWW          110601.754   121  Stu.RASNZ standstill continues
CHAST          110531.381   138  Stu.RASNZ active
CHAST          110601.399   135  Stu.RASNZ active
CMAWZ          110531.376   150  Stu.RASNZ active
CMAWZ          110601.387   144  Stu.RASNZ active
CMAHL          110531.365   137  Stu.RASNZ
CMAHL          110601.367   140  Stu.RASNZ
CMISV          110531.369   138  Stu.RASNZ outburst
CMISV          110601.364   140  Stu.RASNZ active
CNCSY          110531.374   133  Stu.RASNZ
CNCSY          110601.371   127  Stu.RASNZ outburst
CRABP          110601.431   150  Stu.RASNZ
CRTSW          110601.362   160  Stu.RASNZ
HYAEX          110601.543   129  Stu.RASNZ
HYIWX          110601.756   123  Stu.RASNZ active
HYIVW          110531.383   103  Stu.RASNZ active
HYIVW          110601.397    92  Stu.RASNZ rebrightened!!
INDTU          110601.518   143  Stu.RASNZ outburst
NORHP          110531.399   140  Stu.RASNZ active
NORHP          110601.406   144  Stu.RASNZ active
OCTDT          110531.390   126  Stu.RASNZ active
PAVBD          110601.521   150  Stu.RASNZ
PAVGS          110601.520   152  Stu.RASNZ active
PUPUY          110601.369   153  Stu.RASNZ
PUPBV          110531.377   149  Stu.RASNZ
PUPBV          110601.390   148  Stu.RASNZ
PUPBX          110531.378  <153  Stu.RASNZ
PUPBX          110601.389   146  Stu.RASNZ outburst
PUPVV          110531.379  <158  Stu.RASNZ
PUPVV          110601.391   148  Stu.RASNZ active
PYXVZ          110531.412   123  Stu.RASNZ active
PYXVZ          110601.392   125  Stu.RASNZ active
SCOFQ          110531.411   129  Stu.RASNZ active
SCOFQ          110601.413   131  Stu.RASNZ active
SCOV601        110531.410   149  Stu.RASNZ
SCOV601        110601.412   149  Stu.RASNZ
SCOV893        110531.398   134  Stu.RASNZ
SCOV893        110601.410   139  Stu.RASNZ
SERRY          110601.528   160  Stu.RASNZ
SERUZ          110601.529   136  Stu.RASNZ active
SGRV729        110601.532   138  Stu.RASNZ active
SGRV730        110601.531   155  Stu.RASNZ active
SGRV3941       110601.526   143  Stu.RASNZ
SGRV4641       110601.412   134  Stu.RASNZ
VIRTW          110601.387   126  Stu.RASNZ outburst


Rod Stubbings,
Tetoora Observatory,
Tetoora Road,
Vic, Australia.
stubbo at sympac.com.au


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