[vsnet-outburst 12870] Re: [vsnet-alert 13374] PSN J13303600+4706330 near M51

FIDRICH Robert fidusz at zpok.hu
Fri Jun 3 14:05:17 JST 2011

 Taichi Kato írta (Dátum: 2011. Jun. 03.)
>    I'm not certain, but there is a candidate transient near M51.
> http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/unconf/followups/J13303600+4706330.html
>    Does anyone have more information?

Onfortunately M51 was just out side of my photos taken on V CVn on 30/31
May :(

I've checked my the co-added version of "g" pixels of 3x30s photos taken
on 25.745 UT May 2011, but nothing was visible at the given position. 

USNO-A2.0 1350-08287944 (~13.8V according to sky-map.org) was clearly
visible, and USNO-A2.0 1350-08287671 was also above the detection limit
(~14.7 according to sky-map.org), so the object was fainther than
14.0-14.5V on 25/26 May.

(Unfortunately I didn't have time to look for prober V-band sequence
yet. Anyone have useful sequence for M51?)

I hope the wheather will be better tonight...

Clear skies,

Fidusz (FIDRICH Robert)
drotlevel:fidusz at zpok.hu
#jabber/gtalk: fidusz at jabber.hu
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