[vsnet-outburst 13072] SDSS J170213.26+322954.1 : eclipses and superhumps

Ohshima ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Jul 27 04:31:17 JST 2011

SDSS J170213.26+322954.1 : eclipses and superhumps

 We have received observations from Osaka-Kyoiku Univsersity.
Conbined with Ian Miller's data, this object shows eclipses with
the period of around 0.10 d. Meanwhile the period of superhumps
is a little longer (the precise value cannot be yielded). These
value supports the result in past paper (Boyd et al. BAA 116, 
187, 2006) that this object is a dwarf nova in the period gap.
This object is interesting since positive Pdot was reported 
despite the long orbital period.  Further observations are 

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