[vsnet-outburst 13192] Recent activity

Rod Stubbings stubbo at sympac.com.au
Sat Sep 3 23:18:39 JST 2011

Recent activity observed the past few nights.

AQLUU          110902.560   155  Stu.RASNZ
AQLFO          110901.448   154  Stu.RASNZ
AQLFO          110902.568   152  Stu.RASNZ
AQLV1233       110901.449  <154  Stu.RASNZ
AQLV1233       110902.569  <154  Stu.RASNZ
AQRVZ          110901.447   129  Stu.RASNZ active
AQRVZ          110902.567   132  Stu.RASNZ active
CAPSY          110901.443   134  Stu.RASNZ active
CAPSY          110902.561   135  Stu.RASNZ active
CAROQ          110902.776  <140  Stu.RASNZ
CAROY          110902.777  <148  Stu.RASNZ
CARV436        110902.753   152  Stu.RASNZ active
CENMU          110901.424   148  Stu.RASNZ
CENBV          110901.417   130  Stu.RASNZ
CENBV          110902.416   131  Stu.RASNZ
CENV803        110901.419   151  Stu.RASNZ active
CENV803        110902.418   138  Stu.RASNZ active
CENV1040       110901.411   146  Stu.RASNZ
CENV1040       110902.413   147  Stu.RASNZ
CETWW          110902.449   128  Stu.RASNZ
CETWW          110902.581   128  Stu.RASNZ
CHAZ           110902.660   154  Stu.RASNZ
CHAST          110902.660   140  Stu.RASNZ active
CRABP          110902.594   144  Stu.RASNZ outburst
HYIWX          110902.449   148  Stu.RASNZ
HYIVW          110901.433   141  Stu.RASNZ
HYIVW          110902.638   141  Stu.RASNZ
INDTT          110902.599   157  Stu.RASNZ active
INDCD          110902.635  <154  Stu.RASNZ
MONCW          110902.774   146  Stu.RASNZ outburst
MONV651        110902.774   114  Stu.RASNZ
NORHP          110902.441   144  Stu.RASNZ active
NORIK          110902.442   143  Stu.RASNZ outburst
ORIBI          110902.765   142  Stu.RASNZ outburst
ORICN          110902.767   127  Stu.RASNZ outburst
ORIV1159       110902.765   146  Stu.RASNZ
PAVBD          110902.605   149  Stu.RASNZ
PEGRU          110902.578   126  Stu.RASNZ
PEGHX          110902.652   152  Stu.RASNZ
PEGIP          110902.651   136  Stu.RASNZ active
PSATY          110901.441   119  Stu.RASNZ outburst
PSATY          110902.445   132  Stu.RASNZ active
PSCAY          110902.579  <149  Stu.RASNZ
PUPUY          110902.760  <142  Stu.RASNZ
PUPBV          110902.756   132  Stu.RASNZ outburst
PUPBX          110902.756   143  Stu.RASNZ outburst
PUPCL          110902.760   140  Stu.RASNZ outburst
PYXT           110902.753   108  Stu.RASNZ active
SCOV601        110902.588   144  Stu.RASNZ
SCOV893        110902.437   138  Stu.RASNZ
SERUZ          110902.592  <140  Stu.RASNZ
SGRV729        110902.608  <154  Stu.RASNZ
SGRV730        110902.608  <151  Stu.RASNZ
SGRV3941       110902.456   144  Stu.RASNZ
SGRV4641       110901.456   134  Stu.RASNZ
SGRV4641       110902.453   134  Stu.RASNZ
VOLSY          110902.776  <149  Stu.RASNZ

Rod Stubbings,
Tetoora Observatory,
Tetoora Road,
Vic, Australia.
stubbo at sympac.com.au


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