[vsnet-outburst 13948] activity at a glance (Feb 27)

Ohshima ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Feb 27 21:09:18 JST 2012

** RX And (UGZ) **

  20120215.792   140      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.854   140      (Jose Ripero)
  20120218.006   139      (J. Bortle)
  20120218.390  <107      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120218.814   112      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.403  <107      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120220.453  <107      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120221.006   111      (J. Bortle)
  20120222.802   110      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.794   105      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.805   108      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.792   105  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.006   112  ### (J. Bortle)

** AR And (UGSS) **

  20120215.797  <142      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.858  <142      (Jose Ripero)
  20120218.392  <100      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120218.822  <157      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.405  <100      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120219.806  <142      (Jose Ripero)
  20120220.453  <118      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120222.847   124      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.798   124      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.812   122      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.794   124  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.010   123  ### (J. Bortle)

** IW And (UGZ) **

  20120215.798  <144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120218.815   142      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.806  <144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120222.817  <144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.807  <144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.808   150      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.795  <144      (Jose Ripero)

** HW Boo (=HS1340+1524, UG(SU:)) **

  20120226.194  16.99C  ### (Gary Poyner)

** Z  Cam (UGZ) **

  20120214.434  13.279V      (Mike Simonsen)
  20120215.813   132      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.869   132      (Jose Ripero)
  20120218.831   134      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.762   133      (Wolfgang Kriebel)
  20120219.826   132      (Jose Ripero)
  20120220.798   134      (Wolfgang Kriebel)
  20120222.767   133      (Wolfgang Kriebel)
  20120222.819   131      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.814   128      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.872   109      (Gary Poyner)
  20120227.047   106  ### (J. Bortle)

** OQ Car (UG) **

  20120219.569   146      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.678   138      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.646   136      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.501   136      (Rod Stubbings)

** OY Car (UGSU+E) **

  20120214.523   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.569   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.680   148      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.646   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.501   154      (Rod Stubbings)

** AM Cas (UGSS) **

  20120214.009   142      (J. Bortle)
  20120215.801   139      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.860   138      (Jose Ripero)
  20120218.016   134      (J. Bortle)
  20120218.794   132      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.810   128      (Jose Ripero)
  20120221.012   131      (J. Bortle)
  20120222.807   142      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.801   144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.815   142      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.798   141      (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.014   138  ### (J. Bortle)

** BV Cen (UGSS) **

  20120214.514   132      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.587   130      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.494   132      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.489   132      (Rod Stubbings)

** MU Cen (UG) **

  20120214.512   143      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.503   146      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.601   148      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.500   146      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.487   142      (Rod Stubbings)

** V373 Cen (UG) **

  20120214.512   153      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.503  <153      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.501   137      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.488   138      (Rod Stubbings)

** V485 Cen (UGSU) **

  20120214.510   150      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.606  <158      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.542   154      (Rod Stubbings)

** V803 Cen (HeDN) **

  20120217.585   130      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.551   135      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.676   140      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.508   137      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.490   137      (Rod Stubbings)

** V1040 Cen (=RXJ1155.4-5641, UGSU) **

  20120214.481   145      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.458   144      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.592   147      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.449   144      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120222.467   145      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.465   141      (Rod Stubbings)

** FZ Cet (=NSV00601, UGSU:) **

  20120223.448   124      (Rod Stubbings)

** Z  Cha (UGSU+E) **

  20120214.494  <155      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.571  <155      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.457   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.503   157      (Rod Stubbings)

** ST Cha (UG) **

  20120214.492   137      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.499   135      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.571   136      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.455   138      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.498   148      (Rod Stubbings)

** EU CMa (UGSS) **

  20120220.599   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.487   153      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.478   155      (Rod Stubbings)

** SY Cnc (UGZ) **

  20120214.031   120      (J. Bortle)
  20120214.400  12.184V      (Mike Simonsen)
  20120215.947   122      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.881   114      (Jose Ripero)
  20120217.615   113      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120218.044   119      (J. Bortle)
  20120218.512  <109      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120218.681   119      (Takuichiro Onishi)
  20120218.926   116      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.457  <109      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120219.540   111      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.908   113      (Jose Ripero)
  20120220.505   109      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120220.617   112      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.826   111      (Wolfgang Kriebel)
  20120221.039   116      (J. Bortle)
  20120221.610   112      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120222.792   110      (Wolfgang Kriebel)
  20120222.834   111      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.538   113      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.828   114      (Jose Ripero)
  20120226.830   113  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.035   117  ### (J. Bortle)

** YZ Cnc (UGSU) **

  20120214.028   125      (J. Bortle)
  20120215.819   133      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.881   143      (Jose Ripero)
  20120218.456  <109      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120218.692  <141      (Takuichiro Onishi)
  20120218.923   146      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.456  <109      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120219.833  <141      (Jose Ripero)
  20120220.503  <109      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120221.034   129      (J. Bortle)
  20120222.833   124      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.826   135      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.887   146      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.829  <141      (Jose Ripero)

** DW Cnc (NLDQ+UG?) **

  20120214.541   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.615   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120218.932   155      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.540   155      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.617   155      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.606   138      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.619   138      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.660   144      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.665   145      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.974  153V      (Massimiliano Martignoni)
  20120222.047  15.19V      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20120222.476   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.475   154      (Rod Stubbings)

** GZ Cnc (=TmzV34, UGSU:) **

  20120223.535   133      (Rod Stubbings)

** GO Com (UGSU) **

  20120219.040  <170      (Adolfo Darriba Martinez)
  20120224.174  13.23C      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.056  13.486V  ### (Ian Miller)
  20120226.945   133  ### (Jose Ripero)

** SW Crt (UGZ:) **

  20120217.507   160      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.551   161      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.503   161      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.523   162      (Rod Stubbings)

** AB Dra (UGZ) **

  20120218.785   153      (Gary Poyner)
  20120224.792   129      (Gary Poyner)
  20120227.004   134  ### (J. Bortle)

** EX Dra (=HS1804+6753, UGSS+E) **

  20120227.003   133  ### (J. Bortle)

** AH Eri (UGSS) **

  20120216.421   137      
  20120217.453   137      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.444   137      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.458   138      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.458   140      (Rod Stubbings)

** BF Eri (UGSS/UGZ) **

  20120214.451   151      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.453   150      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.447   151      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.460   150      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120222.471   150      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.460   151      (Rod Stubbings)

** KY Eri (=SDSSJ031051.66-075500.3, UGSU) **

  20120217.928  <179C      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20120221.948  150C      (Jeremy Shears)
  20120223.457   150      (Rod Stubbings)

** LT Eri (=SDSSJ040714.78-064425.1, UG+E) **

  20120223.946  16.59C      (Gary Poyner)

** AG Hya (UG) **

  20120214.265  16.363V      (Mike Simonsen)
  20120217.478  <160      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.660   155      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.482   147      (Rod Stubbings)

** EX Hya (NLDQ(UG)+E) **

  20120214.510   131      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.607   124      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.591   129      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.666   126      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.699  13.55V      (Hiroyuki Maehara)
  20120221.510   126      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.542   131      (Rod Stubbings)

** GY Hya (UGSS) **

  20120220.630   156      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.603   157      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.603   156      (Rod Stubbings)

** V392 Hya (=EC10565-2858, UG) **

  20120219.594   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.622   148      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.503   144      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.485   140      (Rod Stubbings)

** VW Hyi (UGSU) **

  20120214.496   122      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120215.267    98      
  20120216.369   106      
  20120217.497   123      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.576   137      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.533   133      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.649   135      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.492   135      (Rod Stubbings)

** WX Hyi (UGSU) **

  20120214.494   148      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.498   138      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.562   146      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.453   146      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120222.462   147      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.491   146      (Rod Stubbings)

** X  Leo (UGSS) **

  20120215.954   139      (Jose Ripero)
  20120217.482   130      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120218.047   127      (J. Bortle)
  20120218.524  <111      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120219.023   121      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.512  <111      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120219.613   124      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.510  <111      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120220.619   124      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.042   121      (J. Bortle)
  20120221.606   125      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120222.923   120      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.541   128      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120226.943   136  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.038   139  ### (J. Bortle)

** RZ LMi (UGSU(ER)) **

  20120219.021   147      (Gary Poyner)
  20120227.038   139  ### (J. Bortle)

** BI Ori (UGZ) **

  20120215.823  <143      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.883  <143      (Jose Ripero)
  20120219.836  <143      (Jose Ripero)
  20120221.462   155      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120222.474   143      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.462   148      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.823  <143      (Jose Ripero)
  20120226.824  <144      (Jose Ripero)

** CN Ori (UGZ) **

  20120214.020   127      (J. Bortle)
  20120214.455   129      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120215.820   128      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.882   139      (Jose Ripero)
  20120217.457   140      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120218.031   144      (J. Bortle)
  20120218.460  <106      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120218.857   150      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.451   153      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.476  <106      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120219.834  <142      (Jose Ripero)
  20120220.475  <106      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120221.024   140      (J. Bortle)
  20120221.464   139      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.927  140C      (Eric Morillon)
  20120222.475   135      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120222.783   131      (Wolfgang Kriebel)
  20120222.826   127      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.464   129      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.821   126      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.837   124      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.822   125  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.023   126  ### (J. Bortle)

** CZ Ori (UGSS) **

  20120214.022   144      (J. Bortle)
  20120214.456   144      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120215.822  <146      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.881  <146      (Jose Ripero)
  20120217.458   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120218.490  <106      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120218.864   158      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.451  <153      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.483  <106      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120219.835  <146      (Jose Ripero)
  20120220.469  <106      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120222.827  <146      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.469   145      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.821   134      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.841   125      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.823   126  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.024   127  ### (J. Bortle)

** V1159 Ori (UGSU(ER)) **

  20120214.019   131      (J. Bortle)
  20120214.453   138      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120215.822  <142      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.883  <142      (Jose Ripero)
  20120217.456   146      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120218.029   136      (J. Bortle)
  20120218.858   142      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.449   142      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.835  <142      (Jose Ripero)
  20120220.608   148      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.462   146      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.938  140C      (Eric Morillon)
  20120222.473   133      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120222.828   133      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.462   140      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.822   135      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.837   145      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.824   135  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.022   132  ### (J. Bortle)

** TZ Per (UGZ) **

  20120214.012   136      (J. Bortle)
  20120215.803   128      (Jose Ripero)
  20120215.936  12.96V      (Robert Wahlstrm)
  20120216.863   126      (Jose Ripero)
  20120218.017   129      (J. Bortle)
  20120218.422  <104      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120218.844   126      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.446  <104      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120219.812   127      (Jose Ripero)
  20120220.460  <104      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120221.014   128      (J. Bortle)
  20120222.809   127      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.803   129      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.851   130      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.801   132  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.015   134  ### (J. Bortle)

** FO Per (UGZ) **

  20120214.014   142      (J. Bortle)
  20120215.806   138      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.865   137      (Jose Ripero)
  20120218.018   139      (J. Bortle)
  20120218.417  <108      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120218.892   134      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.442  <108      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120219.816   139      (Jose Ripero)
  20120220.456  <108      (Tsuneo Horie)
  20120221.017   143      (J. Bortle)
  20120222.812  <144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.806  <144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.863  <155      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.803   140  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.017   141  ### (J. Bortle)

** NS Per (UGSS) **

  20120218.894  <155      (Gary Poyner)
  20120224.865   162:     (Gary Poyner)

** BV Pup (UGZ) **

  20120214.472   153      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120217.494   153      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.548   148      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.601   144      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.590   141      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.531   133      (Rod Stubbings)

** CL Pup (UG) **

  20120217.494  <155      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.549   143      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.603   143      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.590   144      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.532   148      (Rod Stubbings)

** VZ Pyx (UGSU) **

  20120217.465   117      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120219.628   116      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120220.656   123      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120221.653   126      (Rod Stubbings)
  20120223.612   127      (Rod Stubbings)

** TU Tri (UGSU) **

  20120218.853  <156      (Gary Poyner)
  20120224.833  <156      (Gary Poyner)
  20120225.932  15.81C  ### (Gary Poyner)

** ER UMa (UGSU(ER)) **

  20120214.035   141      (J. Bortle)
  20120215.816   144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120216.872   144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120218.885   153      (Gary Poyner)
  20120219.830  <144      (Jose Ripero)
  20120221.044   135      (J. Bortle)
  20120222.822   141      (Jose Ripero)
  20120223.818  <142      (Jose Ripero)
  20120224.878   128      (Gary Poyner)
  20120226.811   128  ### (Jose Ripero)
  20120227.043   124  ### (J. Bortle)

** SS UMi (UGSU) **

  20120218.792  <156      (Gary Poyner)
  20120224.796  <146      (Gary Poyner)
  20120224.960   146      (Adolfo Darriba Martinez)

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