[vsnet-outburst 14161] SBS1108+574 superhump period

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Apr 24 14:53:41 JST 2012

SBS1108+574 superhump period

   Enrique de Miguel reported:


               Oscillations of 0.20 mag amplitude. They do not exhibit
               a double-humped pattern, but most likely, single-hump
               structure. Main period is 0.0389(6) d = 56.0(9) min.
               There is an additional feature in the light curve, 
               (a second peak) that could be of orbital nature. 
               From a visual inspection of the light curve, this
               features seems to recur with a slightly shorter
               period. Prewhitening the light curve with the main
               frequency shows an additional weak peak, but 
               more data would be required to resolve it.
               Though the general pattern of the folded light curve
               resembles a usual superhump wave, the decay from
               maximum is faster than the rise from minimum.


   After combination with Littlefield's data, we have obtained
a period of 0.03894(2) d.  The mean amplitude was 0.15 mag.
The profile is different from those of ordinary SU UMa-type
dwarf novae in its flatter maximum.  We have not been able
to detect a secondary period.

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