[vsnet-outburst 15072] Superhump Period of MASTER OT J065608.28+744455.2 (ATEL)
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Feb 6 09:54:52 JST 2013
Forwarded ATEL message. Further observations are encouraged.
Superhump Period of MASTER OT J065608.28+744455.2
ATEL #4786 ATEL #4786
Title: Superhump Period of MASTER OT
Author: Peter Garnavich and Colin McClelland (Notre Dame)
Queries: pgarnavi at gmail.com
Posted: 5 Feb 2013; 08:49 UT
Subjects:Optical, Binary, Cataclysmic Variable, Transient, Variables
We observed the optical transient MASTER OT J065608.28+744455.2 (ATEL #4783)
with the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) and VATT4K CCD camera.
V-band imaging began at 2013 Feb. 5.15 (UT) and continued for 3.3 hours
with a time resolution of 22 seconds.
During the observations the OT was about 3 mag fainter than a comparison
star 1.8 arcmin to the east. The GSC (v2.3.2) shows a V magnitude of 13.23
for this comparison star.
The VATT light curve shows a clear periodic oscillation with a full amplitude
of 0.12 mag and a period of approximately 1.35 +/- 0.03 hours based on
the two maxima and three minima observed. The variation is asymmetric,
with a faster rise than decline. The light curve suggests the presence
of superhump oscillations in an outbursting dwarf nova with an orbital
period about 80 minutes.
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