[vsnet-outburst 15313] OT J110713.6+133336: short-period superhumps?

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Apr 13 15:27:32 JST 2013

OT J110713.6+133336: short-period superhumps?

   Enrique de Miguel reported observations of this object
(CSS130411:110714+133336).  0.06-mag relatively regular
variations with a period of 0.0309(3) d or its double 0.0615(4) d
were recorded.  The object may be either a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova
with early superhumps or an object like SBS 1108+574.

   The SDSS u-g color is as blue as SBS 1108+574 (-0.3).
   u = 21.6, g = 21.8

   Would be a good target for spectroscopy.

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