[vsnet-outburst 15357] QZ Ser yet another rebrightening and superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Apr 24 09:59:42 JST 2013

QZ Ser yet another rebrightening and superhumps

   Pavol A. Dubovsky reported further observations on 7 nights.
The object underwent yet another rebrightening on Apr. 23.
(There was another on Apr. 15).  Between these rebrightenings,
the superhump signal of 0.08557(3) d persisted.
The QZ Ser case suggests that the multiple rebrightenings
are not a result of a short binary separation (such as
irradiation effect), but is more related to a low mass ratio
(q=0.15 was inferred).  Further observations are encouraged!

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