[vsnet-outburst 15449] CSS J174033.5+414756: no rapid fading / period update

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat May 25 16:18:20 JST 2013

CSS J174033.5+414756: no rapid fading / period update

   Roger Pickard, Osaka Kyoiku U. team (Miho Kawabata, 
Kazunari Masumoto, Hirochika Nishino, relayed by
Katsura Matsumoto), Kyoto team, Enrique de Miguel,
Itoh-san and Ian Miller have reported new observations.
There is no rapid fading as of now.  The superhumps
continue to be present with a period of 0.04546(2) d
(no additional period reported in vsnet-alert 15739
was confirmed) with a mean amplitude of 0.03 mag.

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