[vsnet-outburst 15554] PNV J19150199+0719471: post-fading superhump period

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Jun 29 14:31:32 JST 2013

PNV J19150199+0719471: post-fading superhump period

   We have received further data from Greg Bolt.  The data still
showed slow fading, and the object did not reach the temporary
minimum (before the awaited rebrightening).
The superhump period after the rapid fading is 0.05826(6) d
with a doubly humped profile.  The amplitude is small (0.06 mag)
compared to the superhumps in the plateau phase.
Using the recent theory of superhump periods, this period
corresponds to a disk radius of 0.38 A.  Let's see if
a rebrightening occurs within several days.

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