[vsnet-outburst 16274] SU UMa: superoutburst, fading stage

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Dec 8 10:36:21 JST 2013

SU UMa: superoutburst, fading stage

   During this outburst with an intermediate duration,
Osaka Kyoiku U. team (Miho Kawabata, Kazunari Masumoto, 
Minami Matsuura, Hirochika Nishino, Daiki Fukushima,
Daisuke Sakai, relayed by Katsura Matsumoto)
and Pavol A. Dubovsky reported observations.
The data have been well expressed by a period of
0.07872(4) d (up to amplitudes of 0.6 mag).
The period indicates that positive superhumps have been
present during this outburst.  It looks like that
the true maxima was missed between Dec. 14 and 20.

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