[vsnet-outburst 16615] OT J080701.1+554739 = Catalina transient

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Mar 12 10:18:16 JST 2014

OT J080701.1+554739 = Catalina transient

   This object (CSS140311:080701+554739) has an SDSS
counterpart (g=20.6) and an ROSAT counterpart.
080701.0 +554745 (2000.0) 1RXS-F_J080701.1+554746 0.026 1.00 0.7

   The SDSS colors suggest a short (~0.06 d) orbital period.

CSS140311:080701+554739 http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20140311/1403111550264133306.html 08 07 01.05 +55 47 39.0 16.78 http://skyserver.sdss3.org/dr9/en/tools/chart/navi.asp?ra=121.7543900&dec=55.7941600 CV

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