[vsnet-outburst 16645] SDSS J090221.35+381941.9: brightening and superhumps
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Mar 17 14:15:25 JST 2014
SDSS J090221.35+381941.9: brightening and superhumps
Enrique de Miguel, Crimean Astrophys. Obs. team
(Kirill Antonyuk and Oksana Antonyuk, relayed by
Elena Pavlenko) and Kyoto team (Ohshima and Kato)
have reported observations. The object has been
beightening (now the brightening rate appears to
be even higher) and superhumps became stronger.
The profile of the superhumps is double maxima,
consistent with stage A superhumps.
The mean period has been 0.034090(7) d.
We can expect full growth of superhumps and
the superoutburst maximum. However, if the disk
radius reaches the 2:1 resonance, we can expect
that the 2:1 resonance suppresses the 3:1 resonance.
In such a case, early superhumps emerge and
the present superhumps may disappear.
Let's see what happens next in this fascinating
experiment of disk instability!
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