[vsnet-outburst 16789] CR Boo: mass ratio from stage A superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Apr 11 14:26:01 JST 2014

CR Boo: mass ratio from stage A superhumps

   We have made a preliminary analysis of the stage A
superhumps and obtained a period of 0.01742(4) d.
There was no clear signal during the rising phase.
Arto Oksanen's observation likely recorded
the precursor part.

   The resultant fractional superhump excess
of the stage A superhumps leads to q=0.059(7)
(using PASJ 65, 115).  The mass of the secondary
is expected to be 0.057 Msol (using eq. 9 in
PASJ 49, 75).  These values appear to be consistent
allowing a 1.0(1) Msol white dwarf.
There have been no direct measurement of
the mass ratio in this system (the value in RKCat
refers to the mass ratio from superhumps of
the later phase).

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