[vsnet-outburst 17230] ASASSN-14fc

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Aug 7 09:48:40 JST 2014


   Was the magnitude on Aug. 4 14.1 or 15.1?

ROSAT ID appears almost certain:

201624.6 +621731 (2000.0) 1RXS-F_J201624.6+621732 0.017 0.99 0.67

ASASSN-14fc 	 --- 	------- 	20:16:23.52 	62:17:28.2 	2014-08-5.24 	15.1 	SDSS 	DSS 	VIZIER 	------- 	 CV candidate, possible match to a ROSAT X-ray source, V = 14.1 on 2014-08-05.24, V>16.7 on 2014-08-04.39

ASASSN-14fc 20140804.39 <167V ASN
ASASSN-14fc 20140805.24 151V ASN

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