[vsnet-outburst 17241] ASASSN-14ff and ASASSN-14fe

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Aug 11 12:15:28 JST 2014

ASASSN-14ff and ASASSN-14fe

ASASSN-14ff 	--- 	------- 	4:9:23.95 	-9:43:19.8 	2014-08-9.35 	15.31 	SDSS 	DSS 	VIZIER 	------- 	CV candidate with frequent outbursts in CRTS data, V>16.2 on 2014-08-05.63, V=15.4 on 2014-08-09.35

ASASSN-14ff 20140805.63 <162V ASN
ASASSN-14ff 20140809.35 15.31V ASN

ASASSN-14fe 	--- 	------- 	1:42:21.57 	-61:35:37.6 	2014-08-7.28 	14.77 	SDSS 	DSS 	VIZIER 	------- 	CV candidate, V>17.3 on 2014-08-05.32

ASASSN-14fe 20140805.32 <173V ASN
ASASSN-14fe 20140807.28 14.77V ASN

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