[vsnet-outburst 17769] AX For: likely superoutburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Dec 29 10:18:16 JST 2014

AX For: likely superoutburst

  Stubbings caught the rising part!

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20141223.097  <173V  (ASAS-SN survey)
  20141226.539   144  (Rod Stubbings)
  20141226.619   136  (Rod Stubbings)
  20141226.658   132  (Rod Stubbings)
  20141226.680   131  (Rod Stubbings)
  20141227.087  122V  (ASAS-SN survey)

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