[vsnet-outburst 18281] NSV 4618 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri May 22 16:21:07 JST 2015

NSV 4618 outburst

   This object is an eclipsing SU UMa-type.  There was
a superoutburst in this February.   If the current outburst
is a superoutburst, the supercycle may be as short as
90-100 d.  ASAS-SN data do not show frequent normal outbursts.
If it is the case, the object may be a system similar to 
V503 Cyg (famous negative superhumper).
Observations are of course encouraged.

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20150521.506   143  (Rod Stubbings)

ASAS-SN detection:

NSV4618	09:45:51.00	-19:44:01.00	17.19	2015/05/22 01:18	57164.05466999998	14.27	14.03	57164.05609

NSV04618 20150522.055 14.27V ASN
NSV04618 20150522.056 14.03V ASN

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