[vsnet-outburst 18385] V404 Cyg: rising and short-time variations

mkimura mkimura at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Jun 19 20:42:19 JST 2015

V404 Cyg: rising and short-term variations

       Colin Littlefield, Ian Miller, Enrique de Miguel, Maksim Andreev
(via Elena Pavlenko), and Nick James have reported new observations.
The light curve sometimes showed short-term variations
(within a few seconds) with various amplitudes.
The mean magnitude of V404 Cyg is about 12 mag in I band.
It is larger by 1 mag than that in yesterday's observations.
Moreover, we can see the characteristic change of color
from multicolor observations:
the magnitude of B-R is smaller and smaller in rising.
Please continue the present excellent observations.

Mariko Kimura
VSNET collaboration team

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