[vsnet-outburst 18490] ASASSN-14kh: new Z Cam star?

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jul 20 13:30:56 JST 2015

ASASSN-14kh: new Z Cam star?

   The ASAS-SN light curve suggests a Z Cam star
with a standstill earlier in this season.

ASASSN-14kh	20:11:55.51	-77:52:2.9	16.28	2015/07/18 03:17	57221.136810000055	15.05	15.09	57221.13826

ASASSN-14kh 20150718.137 15.05V ASN
ASASSN-14kh 20150718.138 15.09V ASN

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