[vsnet-outburst 18583] ASASSN-15ni: possible early superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Aug 11 15:18:19 JST 2015

ASASSN-15ni: possible early superhumps

   Using the current superhump period, we have possibly
identified the signal of early superhumps.  The preliminary
value is around 0.05512-0.05522 d (depending on data
selection) with an amplitude of ~0.01 mag.
The period of stage A superhumps (2457241-2457243.1)
was 0.05668(3) d.  These values suggest a small mass ratio
of q=0.07.  This appears to be consistent with a relatively
long duration of stage A.

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