[vsnet-outburst 18607] SDSS J152509.57+360054.5: superhumps?

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Aug 18 13:03:20 JST 2015

SDSS J152509.57+360054.5: superhumps?

   Enrique de Miguel has reported:

Comments:      First observed outburst of this AM CVn star.
               Short run, but the ~0.012 mag full amplitude
               modulation can be observed. The signal is 

   My analysis gave a period of 0.0298(7) d, but the amplitude
was too small to give a firm conclusion.  More observations
are absolutely needed.  The object was still at 14.1 mag
on Aug. 17, so it should be a superoutburst.
In AM CVn-type superoutbursts, superhump periods can become
shorter than the orbital period (see PASJ 66, L7).
We need more data to see whether the current variation
is early superhumps or ordinary superhumps.

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