[vsnet-outburst 19332] HV Vir: very clear stages A and B

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Mar 24 13:03:11 JST 2016

HV Vir: very clear stages A and B

   Josch Hambsch, Enrique de Miguel, Roger Pickard
and Pavol A. Dubovsky have reported new observations.
The coverage of the growing phase of superhumps
(stage A) was excellent and we could obtain
a very accurate period of 0.05895(6) d for stage A.
The stage B superhumps have a mean period of
0.05815(3) d and Pdot = +11(4)*10^(-5).
The present data provided one of the best observed
stage A superhumps in WZ Sge-type dwarf novae.

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