[vsnet-outburst 19576] Wils_SDSSJ223854.51+053606.8 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed May 25 11:03:08 JST 2016

Wils_SDSSJ223854.51+053606.8 outburst

   Past outburst in 2014 November in ASAS-SN data
resembles a superoutburst.  The current outburst is
similar to the 2014 one.

SDSSJ223854.51+053606.8	22:38:54.52	05:36:06.80	18.43	2016/05/24 14:13	57532.59267999977	16.22	15.85	57532.59522

Wils_SDSSJ223854.51+053606.8 20160524.593 16.22V ASN
Wils_SDSSJ223854.51+053606.8 20160524.595 15.85V ASN

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