[vsnet-outburst 19640] PNV J17381927-3725077 is a nova

Patrick Schmeer pasc1312-aavso at yahoo.de
Sun Jun 12 17:54:24 JST 2016

PNV J17381927-3725077 spectroscopically confirmed
(= "Nova Scorpii 2016")


2016 06 11.65 UT
K. Ayani, Bisei Astronomical Observatory (BAO)
obtained a low-dispersion spectrogram (resolution
0.5 nm, range 400-800 nm) of this PNV with the
BAO 1.01-m telescope. It has a prominent and
broad H-alpha emission line (FWHM about
1800 km/s, equivalent width about 23 nm) and a
broad H-beta emission line, which shows that the
PNV is a nova in early phase.
The spectrum ... is posted at

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