[vsnet-outburst 20136] OT J002656.6+284933: positive Pdot (stage?)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Nov 9 12:45:50 JST 2016

OT J002656.6+284933: positive Pdot (stage?)

   Roger Pickard, Itoh-san, Enrique de Miguel
and Javier have reported new observations.
The superhump period has apparently been increasing
since Oct. 31-Nov. 1 (when a period decrease was recorded,
cf. vsnet-alert 20310).  The current Pdot
is +13(3)*10^(-5).  If this reflect stage B superhumps,
the initial phase may have been stage A.
If it is the case, it will be a very remarkable one.

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