[vsnet-outburst 20171] CSS J024354.0-160314 likely superoutburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Nov 16 11:36:42 JST 2016

CSS J024354.0-160314 likely superoutburst

   ASAS-SN detection.  Superhumps were detected
during the 2013 superoutburst, but observations
were not sufficient.

CSS131026:024354-160314	02:43:54.10	-16:03:13.79	18.3	2016/11/15 09:02	57707.3764200001	14.31	99.99	57449.00796

CSSJ024354.0-160314 20161115.376 14.31V ASN

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