[vsnet-outburst 25500] Re: ASASSN-20jl - strange 12.8m object in Hercules

Patrick Schmeer pasc1312-aavso@yahoo.de via vsnet-outburst vsnet-outburst at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Aug 13 15:59:59 JST 2020


Position for epoch 2020 July 31 (measured by Gianluca Masi):
16 46 14.70 +17 00 17.7 (equinox J2000.0)
Computed position for Gaia DR2 4559101020133387648 (Vmag. 14.7)
for epoch 2020 July 31 (based on Gaia DR2 data):
16 46 14.684 +17 00 17.25 (equinox J2000.0)
Spectroscopy, time-resolved photometry, and further astrometry
are urgently required.
Clear skies,
     Am Donnerstag, 13. August 2020, 08:19:14 MESZ hat Taichi Kato <tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp> Folgendes geschrieben:  
 Re: ASASSN-20jl - strange 12.8m object in Hercules

> I just managed to take a couple of image and I find a source at the following 
> end figures:
> RA = 14.70s; Decl.= 17.7" (J2000.0)

  Gaia position.

164614.681 +170017.31 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_4559101020133387648 plx=1.163(0.028) dismod=9.7 pmra=9.470(0.031) pmdec=-11.090(0.034) G=14.531 BP=14.927 RP=13.984

Do they agree within the error of measurement, or is 0.4" difference

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