[vsnet-outburst 25269] Gaia20csk

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Jun 14 08:04:54 JST 2020


Gaia20csk	AT2020mmi	2020-06-11 13:46:47	79.56201	-35.32351	16.43	20.82	0.15	unknown	2020-06-13 09:12:35	~4.5 mag outburst in Gaia source, candidate CV

   Large proper motion and likely dwarf nova.

051814.858 -351924.24 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_4822630347873475328 plx=0.352(1.561) dismod=12.3 pmra=37.588(2.245) pmdec=-58.125(4.786) G=20.834 BP=20.698 RP=20.502

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