[vsnet-outburst 20232] CSS J210846.6-035030 outburst

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Nov 30 00:25:26 JST 2016

CSS J210846.6-035030 outburst

     ASAS-SN detection. Eclipsing SS Cyg-type. The orbital period is
0.156926798(9) d (vsnet-alert 15618).

CSS110513:210846-035031    21:08:46.44    -03:50:31.20    16.58  2016/11/28 04:30    57720.187779999804    15.34    15.98  57237.15181

CSSJ210846.6-035030 20161128.188 15.34V ASN

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