[vsnet-outburst 20606] OV Boo: early superhumps continue

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Mar 19 03:20:05 JST 2017

OV Boo: early superhumps continue

     Geoff Stone, Lew Cook, Tamas Tordai, Franky Dubois, Domenico Licchelli,
Colin Littlefield, Tonny Vanmunster, Osaka Kyoiku U. team, de Miguel, Kyoto
U. team and Shugarov's team have reported new fantastic observations.

     On May 18, this object was 12.6 V. Becaues of the bight outburst we
have not been able to see clear eclipses yet.
     The early superhumps continue with a period of 0.046233 (1) d,
which is almost equal to the orbital period of 0.0462583 d. The amplitudes
are about 0.46-0.53 mag. The maximum amplitudes may be in U-band.
  There has not been a damping of their amplitudes yet.
     By a lot of collaborations, we have obtained the almost complete light curve!
Further observations are encouraged.

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