[vsnet-outburst 20616] OV Boo: early superhumps with eclipses continue

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Mar 21 20:25:23 JST 2017

OV Boo: early superhumps with eclipses continue

     Lew Cook, Geoff Stone, Arto Oksanen, Itoh-san, Tonny Vanmnster,
Tamas Tordai, Domenico Licchelli, Osaka Kyoiku U. team and Kyoto U.
team have reported further observations.
     The early superhumps with eclipses have continued yet. The object
was about 13.2 V on March 21.  Because the typical amplitude of outburst
at the time of appearance of ordinary superhumps is 5-8 mag (Kato et al. 2015),
ordinary superhumps can appear within a few days. The quiescence of OV Boo
is ~18.3 mag, so the outburst amplitude on March 21 is 5.1 mag.
     Further observations are strongly encouraged, and let's observe the stage A

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