[vsnet-outburst 20683] OV Boo's report

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Apr 5 05:04:18 JST 2017

OV Boo's report

     Enlique de Miguel, Maeda-san, Crimean Astrophys. Obs. team (E.Pavlenko,
N.Pit, A. Sklyanov), Geoffrey Stone, Lew Cook and Kyoto U. team have reported
further observations.
     The object is 14.5 V now. In my previous report, I mentioned that the object
shows superhumps with longer period, but the updated O-C diagram suggests
that the superhump period seems almost constant. A profile change may cause
the detection of longer period.
     Further observations are encouraged.

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