[vsnet-outburst 21061] OT J144252.0-225040: likely superoutburst

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Jul 9 07:57:25 JST 2017

OT J144252.0-225040: likely superoutburst

     ASAS-SN detection. SU UMa-type with a large outburst amplitude.
In the 2012 superoutburst, stage A superhumps were not observed.

CSS120417:144252-225040    14:42:52.02    -22:50:39.70    18.79 
2017/07/07 04:14    57941.17677999986    14.868    99.99 57462.26699

OT_J144252.0-225040 20170707.177 14.868V ASN

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