[vsnet-outburst 21185] CRTS J143842.3-381512: possible superoutburst

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Aug 17 01:03:08 JST 2017

CRTS J143842.3-381512: possible superoutburst

     ASAS-SN detection. The past outbursts lasted for more than 10 days.
Possible superoutburst.

SSS100512:143842-381512    14:38:42.33    -38:15:12.39    18.53 2017/08/14 01:58    57979.08233000012    14.724    14.845 57981.07859

CRTSJ143842.3-381512 20170814.082 14.724V ASN
CRTSJ143842.3-381512 20170816.079 14.845V ASN

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