[vsnet-outburst 22027] ASASSN-18gn: new transient (13.7 mag) in Apus
Patrick Schmeer pasc1312-aavso@yahoo.de via vsnet-outburst
vsnet-outburst at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Apr 3 02:55:03 JST 2018
ASASSN-18gn (UG:)
RA 14h49m11.41s, DEC -73°33'17.7" (J2000.0)
"Bright CV candidate, could also be an X-ray nova in outburst,
matches to GAIA G=19.6, g>17.8 on 2018-03-29.20, g=14.0 on
2018-03-30.28, V=13.8 on 2018-03-31.39, V=13.7 on 2018-04-02.29"
Also in USNO-A2.0 and B1.0, matches to GALEX J144911.1-733317.
ASASSN-18gn 20180329.20 <178g ASN
ASASSN-18gn 20180330.28 140g ASN
ASASSN-18gn 20180331.39 138V ASN
ASASSN-18gn 20180402.29 137V ASN
Spectroscopy and time-resolved photometry during the current
outburst are strongly recommended.
Clear skies,
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