[vsnet-outburst 22043] CV Patrol (4th April 2018)
Yenal Ogmen yenalogmen@yahoo.com via vsnet-outburst
vsnet-outburst at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Apr 6 00:44:53 JST 2018
CNCAK 20180404.80256 197C
CNCAT 20180404.79058 137C
GEMAW 20180404.75985 186C
ORIBI 20180404.71907 153C
ORICN 20180404.72492 144C
MONCW 20180404.74853 168C
ORICZ 20180404.74214 163C
CNCEG 20180404.29683 191C
GEMIR 20180404.79683 147C
AURKR 20180404.73653 192C
CMISV 20180404.76555 140C
CNCSY 20180404.80806 119C
GEMU 20180404.77573 100C
PUPUY 20180404.77121 143C
ORIV344 20180404.73085 183C
CNCYZ 20180404.78027 146C
Observer: Yenal Ogmen
Observatory: Green Island Observatory (B34) www.greenislandobservatory.com
Instruments: 14" Meade LX200R + SBIG ST8XME
Telescope Control: TheSky6
CCD Control and Photometry: Maxim DL 5.24
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