[vsnet-outburst 22640] ASASSN-18rg: brighter than quiescence

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Sep 11 23:22:02 JST 2018

ASASSN-18rg: brighter than quiescence

     Geoff Stone has reported further observations. On Sep. 11, the object was stable
at 16.6 mag and showed clear superhumps with amplitudes of about 0.2 mag. On
the other hand, the quiescence magnitude is 20.5 g mag and the brightness before
the 2nd superoutubrst was fainter than 18 mag, namely the object is 4 mag brighter
than its quiescence now. Thus we expect that the object will show further superhumps,
rebrightenings or unexpected behavior.
     Further obsevations are strongly encouraged.

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