[vsnet-outburst 22717] activity at a glance (Sep 29)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Sep 29 13:05:34 JST 2018

** RX And (UGZ+NLVY) **

  20180915.6111 107cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.157  10.94V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180916.6004 108cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.742   108      (Hiroyuki Maehara)
  20180916.837   113      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180916.9118  109      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.9021  110      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.939   116      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180917.997   111      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.576   116      (Yoshiyasu Sato)
  20180918.6273 114cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.8701  117      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180920.062   128      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180921.910   137      (Gary Poyner)
  20180922.1396  139      (Jose Ripero)
  20180924.008   142      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.107  14.04V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180924.8882  140      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180926.8868  114      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.7197 115cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.9014  111  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)

** BV And (UG) **

  20180925.6504 154c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.6243 151cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** FS And (UGSS) **

  20180918.6545 163cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.5958 150cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** IW And (UGZ) **

  20180915.6102 142cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.5996 146cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.9132  146      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.9028 <144      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.987   152      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180918.6263 152cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.8708 <144      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180920.110  <153      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180922.1437 <144      (Jose Ripero)
  20180924.8889 <140      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180926.6380 141cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8875  141      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.7188 140cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.9021  141  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)

** AG Aps (UGSS+NLVY) **

  20180917.774   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180918.751   152      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180919.413   156      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.417   158  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** DH Aql (UGSU) **

  20180916.8597 <143      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8674 <138      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180918.8486 <138      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180922.4138 125cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180923.515   127      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180924.8090  125      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180926.460   127      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180926.8056  126      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.8090  126  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)

** V1101 Aql (UGZ) **

  20180916.4596 143cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.4538 146cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180922.5291 139cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.5203 140cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.4890 140cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** AT Ara (UGSS) **

  20180919.531   130      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180920.499   128      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180923.501   135      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.444   145  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** SS Aur (UGSS) **

  20180915.7941 135cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.097   136      (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180916.319  13.73V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180916.7764 137cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.9625  137      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.7438 13.84V      (Minoru Sato)
  20180917.9354  136      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180918.110   136      (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180918.7803 143cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180919.080   138      (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180921.094   137      (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180921.444  13.96V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180922.1840  140      (Jose Ripero)
  20180923.442  13.62V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180924.300  14.48V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180925.7884 138cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7377 130cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.125   134  ### (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180927.478  13.44V  ### (Robert J. Modic)
  20180927.7581 130cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.9285  126  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180928.153   125  ### (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180928.483  12.48V  ### (Robert J. Modic)

** AF Cam (UGSS) **

  20180915.7078 135cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.6891 137cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.9306  139      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.9208  138      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.996   139      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.6693 136cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.8764  139      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180922.1771  135      (Jose Ripero)
  20180924.012  <150      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.8979 <141      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180925.6106 152cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.5289 152c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8986 <141      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.5623 152cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.9167 <141      (Eddy Muyllaert)

** DK Cas (UGSS) **

  20180920.6234 <17.07C      (Minoru Sato)
  20180925.6874 147cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.7076 149cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** GX Cas (UGSU) **

  20180916.5886 163c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.712  <154      (Hiroyuki Maehara)
  20180916.860   156      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180916.9229 <146      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.9125  132      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.953   136      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180917.9535  132      (Alain Klotz)
  20180917.983   133      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.6155 138cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.6155 139c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.8729  135      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180920.038   134      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180920.6211 13.55V      (Minoru Sato)
  20180922.1472  133      (Jose Ripero)
  20180922.556   136      (Yoshiyasu Sato)
  20180923.960   135      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.8931  136      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180925.6870 138cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8944  139      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.7071 141cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.9090  142  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)

** KZ Cas (UGSS) **

  20180916.708  <151      (Hiroyuki Maehara)
  20180927.6218 165c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** V452 Cas (UGSU) **

  20180916.860  <158      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180917.953  <158      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180920.022  <158      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180927.7051 152cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180928.840  15.42CV  ### (David Boyd)

** V513 Cas (UGZ) **

  20180916.5906 162cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.6173 159cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.6887 151c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.7089 159c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** NN Cen (UGSS) **

  20180919.396   140      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180926.392   155      (Rod Stubbings)

** V803 Cen (HeDN) **

  20180919.403   136      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180926.392   147      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.394   138  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** CG Cep (UGZ:) **

  20180915.5336 152cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.5391 145cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.6459 151cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.6198 158c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** ST Cha (UGZ) **

  20180917.769   144      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180918.778   142      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180919.416   143      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180923.521   143      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180925.583   144      (Rod Stubbings)

** SV CMi (UGSS) **

  20180918.781   144      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180918.8145 148cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180919.794   136      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180925.8163 134cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7654 145cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.7858 155cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** SY Cnc (UGZ) **

  20180926.8081 117cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8270 115cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** YZ Cnc (UGSU) **

  20180916.8342 126cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180922.1722 <141      (Jose Ripero)
  20180925.8472 127cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7904 121cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8091 128cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** SS Cyg (UGSS) **

  20180915.781   119      (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180915.8292  120      (Chris Allen)
  20180915.8819  117      (Hernan De Angelis)
  20180916.847   118      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180916.9028  119      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.6312 11.80V      (Minoru Sato)
  20180917.6602 119V      (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20180917.826   120      (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180917.8799  118      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.933   124      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180917.962   120      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.535   119      (Yoshiyasu Sato)
  20180918.8583  120      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180920.3908 12.13V      (Minoru Sato)
  20180920.867   119      (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180921.889   121      (Gary Poyner)
  20180922.1389  121      (Jose Ripero)
  20180922.521   121      (Yoshiyasu Sato)
  20180923.922   120      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.844   117      (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180924.8611  118      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180925.5503 112cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.5432 90cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.819    87      (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180926.8646   88      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.812    85  ### (Klaus Wenzel)
  20180927.8924   85  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180928.812    89  ### (Gilles Guzman)

** EM Cyg (UGZ) **

  20180916.6453 126cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180917.6493 133V      (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20180917.8618  125      (Alain Klotz)
  20180917.930   132      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180920.4037 13.06V      (Minoru Sato)
  20180922.5064 131cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.4919 133cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.4636 133cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** EY Cyg (UGSS) **

  20180916.6435 144cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.8750  145      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8535  146      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.948   145      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.8514  145      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180920.4062 14.65V      (Minoru Sato)
  20180922.5047 144cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180923.908   147      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.8535  144      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180925.4901 147cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8583  146      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.4618 144cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8688  145  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)

** V792 Cyg (UGSS) **

  20180916.8521 <145      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8563 <145      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180918.8424  142      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180922.5026 143cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180924.8410  141      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180925.4881 143cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8403  144      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.4598 147cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8431 <145      (Eddy Muyllaert)

** V868 Cyg (UGZ) **

  20180922.5083 <161c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.4938 152cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.4654 150cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** V1006 Cyg (UGSU) **

  20180916.6248 163c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.8660 <142      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8486 <142      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180918.8389 <142      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180922.4860 <160c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180924.8493 <142      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180926.4576 156cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8535 <142      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.8583 <142      (Eddy Muyllaert)

** V1060 Cyg (UGSS) **

  20180916.8715 <143      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8778 <143      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.958  <151      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.8535 <143      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180923.919  <147      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.8583  138      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180925.5527 138cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.5456 140cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8625  140      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.6003 144cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8653  142  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)

** V1113 Cyg (UGSU) **

  20180916.8646 <144      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8472 <144      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.960  <151      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.8382 <144      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180922.4894 <166c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180923.933  <151      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.8472 <144      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180926.4609 145cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8521 <144      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.4450 154cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8563 <144      (Eddy Muyllaert)

** V1363 Cyg (UGZ:/pec?) **

  20180916.4712 158c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.8764 <145      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8542 <145      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.949  <154      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.8521 <145      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180923.910  <145      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.8542 <142      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180925.5319 156c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8590 <145      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.5006 161c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8708 <145      (Eddy Muyllaert)

** V1504 Cyg (UGSU) **

  20180915.6457 145cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.6322 154cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180917.958  <149      (Gary Poyner)
  20180922.4935 <166c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180923.921  <149      (Gary Poyner)
  20180927.4490 147cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** CG Dra (UGSS+E) **

  20180922.4890 <163c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.4445 159cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** EX Dra (=HS1804+6753, UGSS+E) **

  20180917.6079 149V      (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20180917.850   144      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.5657 147cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180921.853   131      (Gary Poyner)
  20180922.4798 127cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180923.878   129      (Gary Poyner)
  20180925.4654 132cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** IX Dra (UGSU(ER)) **

  20180917.6069 <155V      (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20180922.4793 144cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.4650 150cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** AH Eri (UGSS) **

  20180917.785   153      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180918.7087 150cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.746   151      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180919.781   142      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180925.7185 144cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** CK Eri (UGSS) **

  20180917.778   145      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180918.774   145      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180920.524   150      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.424   138  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** IR Gem (UGSU) **

  20180915.7863 165cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.7686 159cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.7704 122cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180924.360  12.57V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180925.7806 128cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.7502 143cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** MV Gem (UGSS) **

  20180925.8113 151c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7605 152cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.7809 157cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** AH Her (UGZ) **

  20180916.8285  139      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.5921 133V      (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20180917.8111  132      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.828   133      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.510   131      (Yoshiyasu Sato)
  20180918.8208  129      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180923.842   124      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.8201  125      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180926.8215  135      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.8236  139      (Eddy Muyllaert)

** PU Her (UG) **

  20180922.4599 <146c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.4489 154c      (Yutaka Maeda)

** VW Hyi (UGSU) **

  20180926.437   139      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.419   142  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** WX Hyi (UGSU) **

  20180917.760   136      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180918.771   123      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180919.519   123      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180920.524   137      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180923.517   142      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.424   140  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** TU Ind (UGSS) **

  20180925.569   142      (Rod Stubbings)

** X  Leo (UGSS) **

  20180926.8094 140c      (Yutaka Maeda)

** RZ LMi (UGSU(ER)) **

  20180926.8041 145cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8230 145cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** BR Lup (UGSU) **

  20180926.398   153      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.403   145  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** TU Men (UGSU) **

  20180923.526   118      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180925.581   119      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180926.437   120      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.421   118  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** CW Mon (UGSS+E) **

  20180915.7767 159cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.7590 155c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.7608 158cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.7711 129cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7149 126cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.7407 125cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** HP Nor (UGZ) **

  20180927.401   138  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** DT Oct (=NSV10934, UGSU) **

  20180923.510   124      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180925.581   140      (Rod Stubbings)

** V426 Oph (UGSS+NLDQ:) **

  20180916.8132  118      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8125  117      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180918.8215  113      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180922.4469 118cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180924.8063  125      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180926.8028  126      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.8063  128  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)

** CN Ori (UGSS) **

  20180915.7663 135cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.7488 129cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180917.792   128      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180918.7503 130cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180919.776   129      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180922.1667  128      (Jose Ripero)
  20180925.7628 135cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7023 140c      (Yutaka Maeda)

** V1159 Ori (UGSU(ER)) **

  20180915.7652 128cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.7477 131cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180917.791   130      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180918.7492 134cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.760   130      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180919.774   128      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180922.1681  132      (Jose Ripero)
  20180925.7617 138cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7011 142cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.6827 146cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** HX Peg (UGZ) **

  20180915.5496 134cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.5552 135cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.8938  134      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8951  135      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.9472  137      (Alain Klotz)
  20180918.7040 137cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.8674  137      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180920.4864 13.67V      (Minoru Sato)
  20180920.535   139      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180923.533   137      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180925.6619 139cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.6358 134cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8903  131  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)

** V537 Peg (=GSC2736.1067, UGSS/UGZ) **

  20180915.5256 130cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.5311 131cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.8875  131      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.8896  131      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180918.5272 131cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.8632  130      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180920.5018 13.37V      (Minoru Sato)
  20180922.566   131      (Yoshiyasu Sato)
  20180924.8799 <139      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180925.6383 155c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8764 <143      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.5878 155cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8833 <143      (Eddy Muyllaert)

** TZ Per (UGZ) **

  20180915.7035 136cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.6849 139cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.867   139      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180916.9285  139      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.9181  142      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.978   139      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180917.992   143      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.6651 145cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.8743  140      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180920.048   144      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180922.1521  138      (Jose Ripero)
  20180924.008   142      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.8951  139      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180925.6063 145cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.5246 147cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.8965  140      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.5580 144cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.9139  140  ### (Eddy Muyllaert)

** KT Per (UGZ) **

  20180915.6050 145cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.5967 138cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.866   144      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180916.9313  139      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.9215  141      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.976   143      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180918.008   142      (Gary Poyner)
  20180918.6235 141cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.8771  141      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180920.044   142      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180921.906   123      (Gary Poyner)
  20180922.1389  124      (Jose Ripero)
  20180924.006   135      (Gary Poyner)
  20180924.8986  139      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180926.8993  141      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180927.7159 146cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.9181  143      (Eddy Muyllaert)

** MY Per (UG) **

  20180927.6588 161c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** V392 Per (UG+N) **

  20180915.7409 145cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.7234 144cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.762   147      (Hiroyuki Maehara)
  20180917.944   148      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180918.7248 143cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180920.117   149      (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
  20180925.7347 146cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.6742 146cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.6583 146cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** V1024 Per (=NSV01436, UGSU) **

  20180915.7402 124cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.214  12.67V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180916.7227 125cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.9444  125      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.9333  125      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180918.580   127      (Yoshiyasu Sato)
  20180918.7241 127cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.8819  127      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180923.440  15.73V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180924.287  15.70V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180924.9083 <135      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180926.6735 161c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.475  15.97V  ### (Robert J. Modic)
  20180927.6576 155c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.9257 <141      (Eddy Muyllaert)

** AY Psc (UGZ+E) **

  20180915.6231 157cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.6125 162cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.7151 149cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** UY Pup (UGZ) **

  20180915.8315 132cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.8066 133cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180917.801   136      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180918.778   136      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180919.767   136      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180925.8187 148c      (Yutaka Maeda)

** BV Pup (UGZ) **

  20180919.769   150      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180925.8205 132cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** V478 Sco (UGZ) **

  20180920.501   155      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180926.446   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.440   154  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** V893 Sco (UGSU+E) **

  20180919.432   140      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.397   142  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** UZ Ser (UGZ) **

  20180926.453   132      (Rod Stubbings)

** DV TrA (UGSS) **

  20180923.508   132      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180925.567   131      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180926.403   130      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.417   130  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** VW Tuc (UGZ) **

  20180919.783   164      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.423   163  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** SU UMa (UGSU) **

  20180916.9771 <141      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180922.1597 <142      (Jose Ripero)
  20180924.382  12.10V      (Robert J. Modic)
  20180925.8606 130cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7974 137cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8161 121cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** ER UMa (UGSU(ER)) **

  20180916.8504 133cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180922.1806  138      (Jose Ripero)
  20180926.8018 144cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.8208 148cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** NSV02026 (UGSU) **

  20180915.7578 139cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.7404 143cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.7545 138cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.6914 134cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.6756 136cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** NSV14581 (=HS2325+8205, UGSS+E) **

  20180917.853   142      (Gary Poyner)
  20180923.878   144      (Gary Poyner)
  20180925.6454 146cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** ASASSN-14cr (UGSU) **

  20180925.5581 150cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.5509 151cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.6057 147c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** ASASSN-14ex (UGSU) **

  20180922.4693 <168c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.4436 155cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** ASASSN-14he (UG:) **

  20180922.4921 <165c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.4636 154cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.4477 154cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** ASASSN-14is (UG:) **

  20180920.494   154      (Rod Stubbings)
  20180927.416   164  ### (Rod Stubbings)

** ASASSN-15cr (UGSU) **

  20180925.7976 147cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7469 148cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.7672 148cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** ASASSN-15ly (UG:) **

  20180922.5286 <136c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.5198 153cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** ASASSN-16il (UGSU) **

  20180916.4845 151cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180918.4787 153cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.5452 153c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.5138 155c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** ASASSN-18wa (UGSU) **

  20180916.610  <182V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180921.550  127V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180928.489  13.86V  ### (Robert J. Modic)

** CRTSJ050124.1+203818 (UGSU) **

  20180915.7567 160cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.7392 161cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.6903 160c      (Yutaka Maeda)

** CRTSJ051814.5-024503 (UG) **

  20180926.7002 153c      (Yutaka Maeda)

** CRTSJ222724.5+284404 (UG) **

  20180925.6354 159c      (Yutaka Maeda)

** CSSJ062450.1+503114 (UGSU) **

  20180927.7601 155cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** KISJ192651.94+503301.7 (UGSU) **

  20180918.2972 14.424V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180918.2985 14.471V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180918.2998 14.431V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180919.4755 <135C      (Yuji Nakamura)
  20180923.3353 11.815V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180924.3285 11.944V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180924.3298 11.953V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180924.3312 11.941V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180925.1987 11.901g      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180925.1999 11.915g      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180925.2011 11.928g      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180927.4587 122C  ### (Yuji Nakamura)
  20180928.840   124  ### (Gilles Guzman)

** MASTER OT J042609.34+354144.8 (UGSU+E) **

  20180915.7372 162c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.7198 168c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.9646 <142      (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20180917.4926 15.517V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180917.4939 15.583V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180917.4952 15.718V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180918.7212 162c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180922.4683 14.328V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180924.4686 <15.268V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180924.4699 <15.374V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180924.4712 15.407V      (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
  20180927.6547 159c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** MASTER OT J060553.93+283325.6 (UG:) **

  20180925.7811 163c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.7507 158cG  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** MASTER OT J061904.85+291606.4 (UGSU) **

  20180918.7720 154c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180925.7822 156cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.7314 149cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.7518 155c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** MASTER OT J191841.98+444914.5 (UGSU) **

  20180922.4926 <165c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.4641 161cG      (Yutaka Maeda)

** RXJ1831.7+6511 (UGSS:) **

  20180917.6317 <157V      (Masayuki Moriyama)
  20180917.849  <151      (Gary Poyner)
  20180922.4788 156c      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180926.4506 157c      (Yutaka Maeda)

** SDSSJ214354.60+124458.0 (UGZ) **

  20180916.5052 156cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.6133 154c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

** SDSSJ225831.18-094931.7 (UGSU) **

  20180915.5144 153cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180916.5199 147cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180922.4378 136cG      (Yutaka Maeda)
  20180927.4265 142c  ### (Yutaka Maeda)

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