[vsnet-outburst 22903] Re: [vsnet-alert 22703] ASASSN-18yi: fading rate changed?

Josch Hambsch hambsch at telenet.be
Fri Nov 9 06:34:39 JST 2018

An observing run is scheduled for this object tonight from Chile. Weather is cooperative.


-----Original Message-----
From: vsnet-alert [mailto:vsnet-alert-bounces at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp] On Behalf Of Kojiguchi Naoto
Sent: Donnerstag, 8. November 2018 22:28
To: vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp; vsnet-outburst at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Subject: [vsnet-alert 22703] ASASSN-18yi: fading rate changed?

ASASSN-18yi: fading rate changed?

Itoh-san and Berto Monard reported the observations.
This object had shown an unusual slow fading rate of
0.02 mag/d for 16 days from detection.

According to the ASAS-SN data, the fading rate seems to have changed from 0.02 to 0.2 mag/d on 9 Nov.
The latter value is consistent with a usual fading rate of superoutbursts.
However, nobody reported time-resolved observations for about four days, and we cannot confirm whether it is true. We also don't know the present states of superhumps and eclipses.
According to the Gaia and the CRTS data, this object in quiescence might not show eclipses.

As reported in [vsnet-alert 22667], this object shows a very unique state. Therefore, further observations are strongly encouraged.

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