[vsnet-outburst 22922] ASASSN-18yi: stage B superhumps

Yasuyuki WAKAMATSU wakamatsu at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Nov 12 21:03:37 JST 2018

ASASSN-18yi: stage B superhumps

Josch Hambsch, Itoh-san and Kyoto U. team reported further

The object still shows deep eclipses with the period of 0.168248(9) d.
The O-C diagram indicates the object shows stage B superhumps and
it seems to be the end of the stage. The stage A-B transition occurred
on October 31. The mass ratio estimated from the orbital period and
the period of possible stage A superhumps, 0.1858(1) d, is 0.340(3).
The period of stage B superhumps is 0.17964(5) d. The current
magnitude is 16.3 mag.
Further observations are encouraged.

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