[vsnet-outburst 23873] OT J162717.0+040559 (aka PNV J16271698+0405590): this WZ Sge-type dwarf nova likely shows eclipses

Tonny Vanmunster tonny.vanmunster@gmail.com via vsnet-outburst vsnet-outburst at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jul 9 04:59:44 JST 2019

Dear colleagues,

Further to my announcement on Jul 4th of the WZ Sge-type dwarf nova nature
detection of OT J162717.0+040559 (aka PNV J16271698+0405590), I have
continued observing this target. My observations of last night (Jul 7/8
2019) obtained at CBA Belgium Observatory show the object at mag 14.8 (CV).
More importantly, my light curve seems to reveal the presence of eclipses
of approx. 0.6 mag deep and about 0.58d apart.

I'm currently on holiday travel with no light curve analysis tools, and
therefore can't execute a detailed analysis of my observations. However, a
rough inspection of the AAVSO light curve of PNV J16271698+0405590 seems to
reveal the eclipses as well.

Sky conditions are clear again in Belgium tonight, so I will attempt
further CCD photometry. In addition, I seek the assistance of fellow
observers/analysts to confirm the presence of eclipses in the light curve
of this interesting target.

Many thanks!

Kind regards

Tonny Vanmunster
CBA Belgium Observatory
CBA Extremadura Observatory
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