[vsnet-outburst 23931] ASASSN-19rx: unusual outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jul 23 08:49:33 JST 2019

ASASSN-19rx: unusual outburst

ASASSN-19rx 	--- 	------- 	21:2:33.32 	11:12:56.2 	2019-07-21.54 	15.75 	SDSS 	DSS 	VIZIER 	------- 	unusual slow stellar outburst, matches to GAIA DR2 G=15.8, g>18.0 on 2019-06-10.43, g=17.1 on 2019-06-13.02, g=16.8 on 2019-06-23.38, g=16.7 on 2019-07-12.19, g=16.0 on 2019-07-16.53, g=16.0 on 2019-07-21.54 light curve.

ASAS-SN data:

   Slow outburst in 2015 Apr.-June.

Gaia data:  The object is too bright and red for an ordinary
dwarf nova.  Possibly a long-Porb object like V630 Cas?

210233.227 +111256.60 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_1756681073340455168 plx=0.282(0.059) dismod=12.8 pmra=2.597(0.076) pmdec=-6.102(0.077) G=15.790 BP=16.367 RP=15.064

   CRTS data recorded variations and a possible outburst.

   Also listed as a variable candidate in the ATLAS catalog.

210233.2 +111256 (2000.0) ATOJ315.6384+11.2157 dubious c=16.318 o=15.671 P(LS)=5.158036 rms=0.15 

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