[vsnet-outburst 24433] ASASSN-19acm: most likely WZ Sge-type star

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Dec 17 12:10:13 JST 2019

ASASSN-19acm: most likely WZ Sge-type star

   Josch Hambsch and Berto Monard have reported
observations.  The most recent data by Hambsch
appear to show low-amplitude (0.06 mag) superhumps
since Dec. 11.  Although the statistics was rather
poor due to the low sampling rate, the signal
is apparently present on the PDM diagram.
The current period is 0.0603(2) d, suggesting that
this object could be a WZ Sge-type object with
multiple rebrightenings.

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