[vsnet-outburst 24483] ASASSN-19ado: period of early superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Dec 27 07:50:40 JST 2019

ASASSN-19ado: period of early superhumps

   Kenneth Menzies reported observations on Dec. 25.
This set of data apparently showed early superhumps
with a period longer than 0.06 d.
Combined with Tonny Vanmumster's data on Dec. 25-26,
we could obtain a period of 0.0695(2) d.
This period is not consistent with earlier observations,
but the quality of the observations by Menzies
surpassed those of other observations.
Further observations are required to confirm the period.

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