[vsnet-outburst 24578] Re: CRTS J162322.2+121334 = SDSS J162322.23+121334.0

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jan 23 09:37:42 JST 2020

Re: CRTS J162322.2+121334 = SDSS J162322.23+121334.0

> There is
> another unusual CV in Hercules well worth monitoring - SDSS
> J162322.23+121334.0 (see [vsnet-alert 23381] from July 2019).
> This variable is in the very rare evolution stage. It was hibernating below
> 20m on all Palomar plates in 1982-1997, has "turned on" in July 2000 as a
> nova-like variable spending 90 per cent of time at 17m, but since 2017 it
> started to produce superoutbursts stable as a clock every 51 days without
> normal outbursts between them! The orbital period is yet unknown, so the
> goal is to catch the next superoutburst and to involve "big calibers" for
> the time series.
> SDSS J162322.23+121334.0 historical light curve:
> http://scan.sai.msu.ru/~denis/J162322+121333-DSS-NEAT.gif

   The current state is an ER UMa star (particularly smilar
to RZ LMi based on the light curve morphology).
I had already given UGSU: classification based on
the ZTF data.

   The state during the CRTS observation may have been
even closer to a novalike variable (such as in the NL phase
of BK Lyn).

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