[vsnet-outburst 24594] activity at a glance (Jan 27)
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jan 27 07:55:17 JST 2020
** IW And (UGZ) **
20200115.481 <140 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.8097 <140 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.8243 <144 (Chris Allen)
20200116.917 147 (Balazs Bago)
20200117.8014 <149 (Chris Allen)
20200117.817 148 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.5314 145:c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200119.533 <133 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200119.8410 <144 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.478 <133 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.4879 145cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200120.6199 149C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200120.828 <149 (Gary Poyner)
20200121.483 <140 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200121.6090 <137c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.840 143 (Balazs Bago)
** Z Cam (UGZ) **
20200113.5808 113cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200116.8493 116 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200117.862 117 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.7514 109cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.753 117 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200119.8806 116 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.6980 112cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.006 116 (Gary Poyner)
20200121.5563 111cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.907 112 (Balazs Bago)
20200124.510 116 (Yoshiyasu Sato)
** OQ Car (UGZ) **
20200121.560 158 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.533 142 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.576 142 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.528 146 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** OY Car (UGSU+E) **
20200123.533 155 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.576 155 (Rod Stubbings)
** V436 Car (UGZ+NLAD) **
20200121.494 144 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.562 145 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.740 146 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.483 148 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** BV Cen (UGSS) **
20200124.651 131 (Rod Stubbings)
** MU Cen (UGSS) **
20200123.567 142 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.640 140 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.573 138 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** V373 Cen (UGSS) **
20200124.640 155 (Rod Stubbings)
** V442 Cen (UGSS) **
20200123.569 161 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.632 162 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.567 161 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** V485 Cen (UGSU) **
20200125.641 150 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** V803 Cen (HeDN) **
20200121.608 141 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.573 135 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.649 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.635 142 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** V1040 Cen (=RXJ1155.4-5641, UGSU) **
20200123.567 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.635 145 (Rod Stubbings)
** Z Cha (UGSU+E) **
20200121.562 123 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.572 133 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.531 150 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** ST Cha (UGZ) **
20200121.564 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.535 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.573 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.532 142 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** BZ Cir (UGSU) **
20200125.637 161 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** DM CMa (UGSS) **
20200113.5448 <150c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200114.5287 <149c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200114.5612 <155C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200115.519 <130 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200118.4962 <152c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200119.517 <130 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.540 <130 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.6467 <166C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200121.510 <130 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200121.5211 <146c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.5546 <158C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200123.660 153 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.658 146 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.673 149 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** HL CMa (UGZ) **
20200113.5439 121cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200113.583 123 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200114.476 120 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200114.5278 119cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200114.5549 124C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200115.515 122 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.8361 123 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.935 122 (Balazs Bago)
20200118.4953 117cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.622 120 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200119.512 123 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200119.8299 121 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.535 123 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.6060 126C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200121.485 120 (Rod Stubbings)
20200121.507 123 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200121.5202 122cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.5485 123C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200123.660 119 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.860 124 (Balazs Bago)
20200124.658 119 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.672 119 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** SV CMi (UGSS) **
20200113.515 <134 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200113.5367 <153c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200114.5635 <156c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200115.506 <134 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.8396 <139 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200117.990 <147 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.707 <154 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200119.574 <139 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200119.8750 <144 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.547 138 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.992 133 (Gary Poyner)
20200121.519 132 (Rod Stubbings)
20200121.519 134 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200123.508 130 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.876 132 (Balazs Bago)
20200124.587 133 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.519 134 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** SY Cnc (UGZ) **
20200115.558 116 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.8438 117 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.960 115 (Balazs Bago)
20200117.966 114 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.110 115 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200118.6586 100cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.742 113 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200118.974 117 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200119.569 107 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200119.8681 118 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.528 117 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.987 118 (Gary Poyner)
20200121.553 125 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200121.5659 116cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.590 120 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.631 125 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.883 127 (Balazs Bago)
20200124.110 130 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200124.596 128 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.935 130 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200125.580 130 (Rod Stubbings)
20200126.167 13.20 ### (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
** YZ Cnc (UGSU) **
20200113.524 125 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200113.5668 123cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200114.6285 127:c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200115.555 137 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.8417 <141 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.956 145 (Balazs Bago)
20200117.939 148 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.096 <137 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200118.739 145 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200118.7425 145cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.969 <137 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200119.566 <137 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200119.8660 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200119.978 <137 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200120.524 <137 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.6873 <140c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200120.985 144 (Gary Poyner)
20200121.5476 148c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.551 <137 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200122.915 <137 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200123.881 130 (Balazs Bago)
20200124.106 124 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200124.931 117 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200126.165 12.43 ### (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
** AT Cnc (UGZ) **
20200113.530 <134 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200113.5660 138c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200115.560 <134 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.8424 131 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.875 130 (Klaus Wenzel)
20200116.958 130 (Balazs Bago)
20200117.965 131 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.737 130 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200118.7416 130cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200119.572 134 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200119.8667 138 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.530 136 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.6865 <122c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200120.985 142 (Gary Poyner)
20200121.5467 141c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.556 138 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200121.885 146 (Klaus Wenzel)
20200123.883 144 (Balazs Bago)
** DW Cnc (NLDQ+UG?) **
20200113.5302 <155c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200113.531 <134 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200114.5571 <155c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200115.560 <141 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.8382 <141 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.897 16.11V (Gary Poyner)
20200118.187 16.07V (Gary Poyner)
20200118.7234 <153c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.726 <152 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200119.201 15.56V (Gary Poyner)
20200119.572 <141 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200119.8694 <141 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.201 16.00V (Gary Poyner)
20200120.531 <134 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200121.556 <141 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200123.630 150 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.669 150 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.010 15.59V (Gary Poyner)
20200124.596 154 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.578 157 ### (Rod Stubbings)
20200126.106 15.61V ### (Gary Poyner)
** GZ Cnc (=TmzV34, UGSU) **
20200118.6616 <152c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.746 <154 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200121.5688 141:c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.585 139 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.628 144 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.594 142 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.576 154 (Rod Stubbings)
** BF Eri (UGSS/UGZ) **
20200113.562 149: (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200118.590 148 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200121.4045 <140c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.485 148 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.508 148 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** CK Eri (UGZ) **
20200121.556 140 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.510 140 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.601 142 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.501 144 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** RU Hor (UGSU) **
20200116.394 <164 (Stephen Hovell)
20200118.378 <164 (Stephen Hovell)
20200119.492 <164 (Stephen Hovell)
20200120.399 156 (Stephen Hovell)
20200121.401 137 (Stephen Hovell)
20200121.530 138 (Stephen Hovell)
20200121.558 139 (Rod Stubbings)
20200122.392 138 (Stephen Hovell)
20200123.389 138 (Stephen Hovell)
20200123.512 138 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.603 137 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.503 138 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** AG Hya (UGSS+NLAD) **
20200118.6723 <148c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.578 152 (Rod Stubbings)
20200121.5793 <138c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.553 161 (Rod Stubbings)
** EX Hya (NLDQ(UG)+E) **
20200118.817 131 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200123.619 132 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.646 130 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.642 130 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** V392 Hya (=EC10565-2858, UGZ) **
20200124.642 158 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.572 164 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** V495 Hya (=SDSSJ084400.10+023919.3, UGSS) **
20200113.5533 <143c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200114.6158 <146c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.7313 <157c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.5367 <149c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200124.592 151 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.578 145 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** VW Hyi (UGSU) **
20200123.537 135 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.556 135 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** WX Hyi (UGSU) **
20200121.558 126 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.510 145 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.603 149 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.503 146 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** X Leo (UGSS) **
20200115.567 <133 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.957 <144 (Balazs Bago)
20200118.6602 <159c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200119.583 <133 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.560 <133 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200121.560 <133 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200121.5675 <150c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.633 163 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.915 <143 (Balazs Bago)
20200124.135 <143 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200124.657 157 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.649 130 ### (Rod Stubbings)
20200126.203 12.75 ### (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
** TU Men (UGSU) **
20200123.539 168 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.606 167 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.556 167 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** HP Nor (UGZ) **
20200123.676 134 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.701 132 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.716 133 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** IK Nor (UG) **
20200124.703 134 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.717 134 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** V1159 Ori (UGSU(ER)) **
20200113.567 136 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200114.474 <126 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200115.546 <137 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.8333 <137 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.8521 <142 (Chris Allen)
20200116.931 144 (Balazs Bago)
20200117.901 149 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.074 <137 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200118.4890 144c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.610 139 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200118.951 <137 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200119.503 <137 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200119.8729 <142 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.510 132 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.6776 138C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200120.875 132 (Gary Poyner)
20200121.514 137 (Rod Stubbings)
20200121.5140 135cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.531 135 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200122.846 139 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200123.483 124 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.858 126 (Balazs Bago)
20200124.092 128 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200124.578 125 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.919 128 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200125.510 125 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** TZ Per (UGZ) **
20200113.5119 137cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200114.5499 138cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200115.476 <133 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.8014 136 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.8347 135 (Chris Allen)
20200116.930 136 (Balazs Bago)
20200117.8097 130 (Chris Allen)
20200117.853 132 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.5693 126cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200119.531 130 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200119.8340 130 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.474 129 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.5113 <116c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200120.833 131 (Gary Poyner)
20200121.476 130 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200123.848 134 (Balazs Bago)
** FO Per (UGZ) **
20200114.5810 <157c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200116.8215 <144 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.8479 <147 (Chris Allen)
20200116.928 <155 (Balazs Bago)
20200117.8174 <140 (Chris Allen)
20200117.846 <155 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.6028 <159c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200119.8549 <144 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200120.5582 <151c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200120.849 <155 (Gary Poyner)
20200123.867 141 (Balazs Bago)
** BV Pup (UGZ) **
20200113.5409 <142c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200114.5252 <140c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.5033 <141c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.5280 <147c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.667 144 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.731 138 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.680 133 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** BX Pup (UGZ) **
20200113.5418 <141c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200114.5261 <140c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.5042 <144c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.490 153 (Rod Stubbings)
20200121.5289 <138c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.667 148 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.732 142 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.678 142 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** VZ Pyx (UGSU) **
20200114.6098 <138c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.496 156 (Rod Stubbings)
** V478 Sco (UGZ) **
20200124.717 149 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.733 151 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** V893 Sco (UGSU+E) **
20200123.690 140 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.708 141 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.722 142 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** DV TrA (UGSS) **
20200121.630 132 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.651 132 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.692 134 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.707 137 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** VW Tuc (UGZ) **
20200121.566 160 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.542 164 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.553 <164 (Rod Stubbings)
** ER UMa (UGSU(ER)) **
20200116.8486 <142 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200116.951 147 (Balazs Bago)
20200118.6517 146:cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.758 145 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200119.8799 <142 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20200121.5592 146c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.892 139 (Balazs Bago)
20200124.149 140 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20200126.192 14.75: ### (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
** CU Vel (UGSU) **
20200125.483 158 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** SY Vol (UGSS) **
20200121.560 142 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.532 145 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.574 147 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.528 156 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** NSV00035 (UGSU) **
20200125.553 160 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** NSV02026 (UGSU) **
20200113.576 <150 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200114.053 16.42C (Gary Poyner)
20200115.099 14.19C (Gary Poyner)
20200115.533 137 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200116.014 140 (Gary Poyner)
20200116.069 13.96C (Gary Poyner)
20200117.142 13.63C (Gary Poyner)
20200117.917 138 (Gary Poyner)
20200118.617 134 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200118.6195 129cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200118.882 13.77C (Gary Poyner)
20200119.553 137 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.496 138 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200120.5747 135cG (Yutaka Maeda)
20200120.6734 143C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200120.856 141 (Gary Poyner)
20200120.947 13.98C (Gary Poyner)
20200121.498 137 (Tsuneo Horie)
20200123.872 140 (Balazs Bago)
20200124.099 14.19C (Gary Poyner)
20200126.078 14.38C ### (Gary Poyner)
** NSV04618 (UGSU+E) **
20200118.6718 148:c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200121.5788 <141c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.553 165 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.524 166 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** NSV18024 (=HD74771B, UG) **
20200121.508 134 (Rod Stubbings)
20200121.550 134 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.490 138 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.667 140 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.496 150 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** ASASSN-14bp (UG) **
20200124.644 146 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.646 150 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** ASASSN-14fe (UGSU:) **
20200123.510 140 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.601 138 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.503 138 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** ASASSN-19ct (HeDN) **
20200121.597 144 (Rod Stubbings)
20200123.572 151 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.633 147 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.569 146 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** ASASSN-20ap (UGSU) **
20200117.510 14.54g (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
20200117.510 147g (ASAS-SN survey (Shappee+ 2014; Kochanek+ 2017))
20200118.378 14.938o (ATLAS)
20200119.637 14.53C (Hiroshi Itoh)
20200121.394 15.40C (Hiroshi Itoh)
20200124.673 15.72C (Hiroshi Itoh)
** DDE158 (UG:) **
20200114.7407 15.76CV (Denis Denisenko)
20200122.7171 15.26CV (Denis Denisenko)
** EC05200-5205 (=DDE76, UGSU(ER)) **
20200123.674 144 (Rod Stubbings)
20200124.671 154 (Rod Stubbings)
20200125.691 169 ### (Rod Stubbings)
** TCPJ00590972+3438357 (UGSU) **
20200113.551 <146 (Hiroyuki Maehara)
20200114.914 15.31V (Gary Poyner)
20200116.840 15.31V (Gary Poyner)
20200120.4678 153c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200120.6042 153:C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20200120.841 152 (Gary Poyner)
20200120.894 15.44V (Gary Poyner)
20200121.4991 <149c (Yutaka Maeda)
20200123.419 16.69C (Yasuo Sano)
20200123.916 17.09V (Gary Poyner)
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